Printable version of the 2024 program here

Assessment Competition Rules here

SPC Policy on the use of Generative AI here

Digital/Projected Images Assessment Guidelines here

NEW Assessment entry form here


2024 SPC Club  Program


February 14 – Assessment – Print - ‘Scale’

Scale is the relationship of sizes of objects in an image. It can indicate the distance between objects, (think telegraph poles that get smaller and smaller as they recede in space), and also can indicate the size of an unknown object by placing it in juxtaposition with a known object. You can play visual tricks with scale by placing very small objects close to the front element of a wide angle lens so that they appear larger than normal.

February 28 – Workshop

Perception and colour – Matt Kaarma

March 13 – Assessment – Print - ‘Fauna’

Fauna is all of the animal life present in a particular region or time. Can be domesticated or wild animals. Try and capture the essence of the animal.

March 27 – Workshop

Portrait workshop with members of Nowra Players Theatre (in costume) as our subjects.

April 10 – Assessment – Digital - ‘Portrait’

Portrait photography aims to capture the identity, personality, and essence of a subject utilising photographic techniques such as composition, lighting, and props. This can be through a close-up study, or the portrait can be set where the context is comprehensive, but the image is clearly about the person.

Entries must be entered in your club Dropbox by Friday 29, March.

April 24 – Workshop

Understanding the judges' critique - discussion of how judges evaluate your images. Bring a photo that has been previously entered and judged taht you would like to be re-evaluated.


May 8 – Assessment – Print – ‘Derelict’

Deserted by the owner; abandoned; forsaken. Photography that takes the decay of the built environment (cities, buildings, infrastructure, etc.) as its subject

May 22 – Workshop


June 12 – Assessment – Digital – ‘Food’

For this assessment…anything to do with food, including pots n pans, cooking and cooking utensils, bowls of spaghetti, fruit, berries etc. Get imaginative with this one.

June 22 - Visit to Randall Sinnamon's studio and grounds at Woollamia. Come for lunch (bring a plate) then photograph the studio, grounds, nature etc.

June 26 – Workshop

These photographs will then be entered into the “Scribbly Studios Photographic Competition” where members will be able to take their images home for editing and then present them for judging on the normal workshop date of 26th June at UoW.

Randall will judge the entries, possibly invoking help from another local artist friend. Token prizes will be awarded. Categories yet to be determined but likely to include nature, abstract etc and further divided into  colour and monochrome.

 July 10 – Assessment – Print – ‘Landscape or Seascape’

A landscape or seascape is a photograph of natural scenery with land and sky-based elements displayed in a pictorial fashion. It may include evidence of man, people, animals, provided that none of these additional elements dominate the photograph. Early morning or late afternoon best for this subject.

July 24 – Workshop

Drone photography and AI – David Wastie

August 14 – Assessment – Digital – ‘Action’

Action photography is about capturing subjects in motion. It can encompass wildlife and sports photography, though you can apply the techniques involved to any number of subjects. Whatever you plan to shoot, the key to action photography is careful planning and a thorough understanding of your subject. A high shutter speed is essential unless you are attempting to “pan” with the subject.

August 28 – Workshop

Photo walk

September 11 – Assessment – Print -  ‘Architecture’

Architecture photography (also referred to as building photography or structure photography) generally means photography that focuses on buildings. It can include shooting building exteriors and interiors, as well as bridges, other structures, and cityscapes.

September 25 – Workshop

AI in photography – guest speaker

October 9 – AGM and Assessment – Digital - ‘Soft Focus'

Soft focus photography is a technique used to capture images that reduces the contrast of fine detail in the image. Soft focus can also utilize a lens flaw where the lens forms blurred images due to spherical aberration. Think shooting through nylon stocking or plastic wrap. Try breathing on your lens to fog it up or smearing your lens filter with oil etc.

October 23 – Workshop - TBA

October 25 – Annual Club Dinner and Awards Night

November 13 – Assessment – Print - ‘Abstract’

Abstract photography, sometimes called non-objective, experimental or conceptual photography, is a means of depicting a visual image that does not have an immediate association with the object world and that has been created through the use of photographic equipment, processes or materials. An abstract photograph may isolate a fragment of a natural scene to remove its inherent context from the viewer.

November 27 – Workshop - TBA

December 11 – Open (no set subject) – Print -  Peer judging

Christmas social night.



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